Industry Scale Semi-Supervised Learning for Natural Language Understanding

- 4 mins

Authors : Luoxin Chen, Francisco Garcia, Varun Kumar, He Xie, Jianhua Lu - Alexa AI (amazon)

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Problem Definition

SSL techniques in “real-world” NLU applications is still in question.

  1. Having high quality labeled data is the key to achieve improving accuracy.
    • However, obtaining human annotation is an expensive and time-consuming process.
  2. A common practice to evaluate SSL algorithms is to take an existing labeled dataset and only use a small fraction of training data as labeled data, while treating the rest of the data as unlabeled dataset.
    • Such evaluation, often constrained to the cases when labeled data is scarce, raises questions about the usefulness of different SSL algorithms in a real-world setting.
  3. How much unlabeled data should we use for SSL and how to select unlabeled data from a large pool of unlabeled data?
  4. Most SSL benchmarks make the assumption that unlabeled datasets come from the same distribution as the labeled datasets.
    • This assumption is often violated as, by design, the labeled training datasets also contain synthetic data, crowd-sourced data to represent anticipated usages of a functionality, and unlabeled data often contain a lot of out of domain data.


  1. Design of a production SSL pipeline which can be used to intelligently select unlabeled data to train SSL models.
  2. Experimental comparison of four SSL techniques including, Pseudo-Label, Knowledge Distillation, Cross-View Training, and Virtual Adversarial Training in a real-world setting using data from Amazon Alexa.
  3. Operational recommendations for NLP practitioners who would like to employ SSL in production setting.


Data Selection Approaches

  1. First uses a classifier’s confidence score to filter domain specific unlabeled data from a very large pool of unlabeled data, which might contain data from multiple domains.
    • Training a binary classifier on the labelled data, and use it to select the in-domain unlabelled data.
    • Using Confidence scire 0.5 as the threshold for data selection.
  2. The goal of the second stage filtering is to find a subset of data which could result in better performance in SSL training.

    Selection by Submodular Optimization

    (Paper : Submodularity for data selection in machine translation)

    • For SSL data selection, we use 1-4 n-gram as features and logarithm as the concave function.
    • We filter out any n-gram features which appear less than 30 times in Dl ∪ Du.
    • The algorithm starts with Dl as the selected data and chooses the utterance from the candidate pool Du which provides maximum marginal gain.

    Selection by Committee

    • To detect data points on which the model is not reliable, we train a committee of n teacher models (we use n = 4 in this paper), and compute the average entropy of the probability distribution for every data point.
    • Compute the average entropy of the predicted label distribution of x.
    • We then identify an entropy threshold with an acceptable error rate for mis-annotations (e.g., 20%) based on a held-out dataset.

Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches


Diversity of Selected Data


  1. Prefer VAT and CVT SSL techniques over PL and KL.
  2. Use data selection to select a subset of unlabeled data.
    • Recommend Submodular Optimization based data selection in light of its lower cost and similar performance to committee based method.
    • Optimizing data selection, when unlabeled data pool is of a drastically different distribution from the labeled data, remains a challenge and could benefit from further research.

Self-training Improves Pre-training for Natural Language Understanding [LINK]

Dongju Park

Dongju Park

Research Scientist / Engineer @ NAVER CLOVA

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